Wednesday, June 25, 2008

PMI Bought Back and Watching TIE Dec 08

BTC 5PMIJan09 @ 0.60 Net after commissions $43.49
Represents 4.5% against original purchase price
Income to date has break even point at $7.65 per share

Watching TIE
STO 15TIEDec08 @ 2.15 net of $206.74 after commisions
Currently at bid 1.70 and ask 1.80
Price and MAs are stacked down indicating it should continue down some more before reversing, will have to watch to capture what ever income I can.
Current break even point is $16.41 without any income from Dec08 position.


Unknown said...

Why would you sale a covered called on a stock, tie, that is just going down? Never catch a falling knife.

Let TIE show you that it has made a bottom.

Hal said...

I sold because I already own the stock and I sold for income while waiting for the stock to recover. I believe Ti will increase in the furture as military and commerical aircraft fabrication picks up.

reteng2 said...


Is this a TSS type trade?

thanks, olddave