I will be on vacation for the next week plus. I will return home on Sunday 20 in time for new CCs on Monday. Currently it looks like I will only have a few options exercised unless we see an untrend next week and with Freddie and Fannie I am not overly confident that will occur. I will have my computer with me and being checking as call Friday arrives to see if any actions are required.
The rates shown on OptionsXpress site for CSE customers are verymisleading and the claim by CSE that the rates at OptionsXpress aregood is misleading. To get the 1.25 per contract rate you must buymore than 10 contracts for an individual stock and maintain over 35contract trades per quarter. The per quarter requirement is OK. Butwho can made 10 or more contracts for every stock they trade.Otherwise the rate is 12.95 per trade of options on each stock. That is 1 conctract is 12.95 or 3 contracts are 12.95 total.
Beware if you are considering using OptionsXpress. I am trying to getinfo from CSE/Joe to see their position since they are pushingOptionsXpress.
BMY went ex-dividend on 7/2/08 and my 20 Jul 08 call was not excerised. Therefore, I will receive the dividend 0.31 per share payable 8/1/08. The stock could still be exercised 7/18. If excercised on 18th the total income, when dividend paid, will be 31.74 from CC and 31.00 from dividend for a total of $61.74 on a purchase of $1995.74. Monthly return - 3.27% and Annual return - 39.2% If not excerised I will evaluate whether to sell stock or sell another CC.